Tanzania Sudden Opportunity Grant – Up to $200,000 – Deadline – Dec 31st 2018

Through this Sudden Opportunity grant, Voice in Tanzania is calling on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) to undertake collective action to address specific anticipated threats to marginalised and discriminated groups in Tanzania (Voice target groups mentioned above) in one or more of the Voice impact themes:

  1. Access to productive resources (for example land and/or employment)
  2. Access to social services (for example health and/or education)
  3. Space for political participation


It is an opportunity for strategic advocacy, strategic litigation, mobilisation of CSOs and collective action that can lead to change in policies/laws, legal decisions, or a shift in public attitudes and practices to challenge discrimination, promote equal access and opportunities, enhance social well-being, confront injustice and/or encourage social development.

This grant is available from €5,000 to €200,000 for an intervention that will last between 6 and 12 months.

Possible interventions would require using non-violent action, with active participation of human rights defenders, private institutions and companies, faith leaders, NGOs and self-interested individuals or intellectuals who jointly and collectively seek the promotion and protection of civil and political rights as well as the realisation of economic, social and cultural rights of the Voice target groups.



Grants responding to a Sudden Opportunity are available on a rolling basis and can be applied for at any time between the opening date of 1st of January 2018 through 31st of December 2018.

Please follow these steps:

  1. Take the eligibility test available on the next page to assess whether you are eligible.
  2. If you have passed the eligibility test, you need to send an Email to [email protected] to describe your collective action in 1 to 2 paragraphs. In this Email you need to describe what the sudden opportunity is, the actions you intend to take, the actors undertaking the collective action, the amount needed and the duration.

If the collective action meets the criteria of the grant, Voice will contact you to discuss further and send you an application form to complete.  Once the application form has been submitted via Smartsheets, we aim to make decisions within 4 weeks after application. Projects that are rewarded with funding must be implemented within 6-12 months after approval of the application.

Please Note: Sudden Opportunity Grants must be implemented by a collective of CSOs, consortium and/or network as the nature of this grant requires collective action.

What if you have questions about the process?

Questions about this grant and other open grants may be submitted by email. Potential Applicants are encouraged to seek further guidance and can send questions by email to: [email protected].   We also strongly encourage you to read our Frequently Asked Questions containing a wealth of information on eligibility, budgets and assessment process. If your question hasn’t been responded to please write the Email address above.

Tanzania Sudden Opportunity Grant V-1853-TZ-SO

The eligibility test is a requirement when applying for the following grants with Voice in Tanzania: Influencing grants, Innovate and Learn grants and Sudden Opportunity grants. The test is a guide to assess your eligibility as an organisation. However, Empowerment grants do not require an eligibility test, but will be determined by the Voice team in Tanzania following simple grant selection criteria.

For Sudden Opportunity grants, only consortia, networks and/or coalitions are eligible due the collective action of this type of grant. It also allows you to combine budgets and hence can request a bigger amount when using the 50% budget rule.  


Africa Women Funding Opportunities: Africa Women Development Grants 2018



Dr.Galus Tarimo
Dr. Galus is a Medical Doctor who is licensed, registered, and allowed to practice medicine as a General Practitioner by the Medical Council of Tanganyika (in Tanzania). A master’s degree student enrolled at WU-California pursuing an MBA in Healthcare Administration. Dr. Galus has more than 4 years of experience in Blogging, Copywriting, and Search Engine Optimization (Google SEO) based on healthcare-related articles, financial market analysis, and educational content