Job Opportunities at Envex Consulting Ltd, Water and Sanitation Consultant

Job Opportunities at Envex Consulting Ltd, Water and Sanitation Consultant



NEMC Registered Firm of Environmental Experts: Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Audit, Health & Safety

We are looking for a consultant to support the development of project proposal for WASH Project. In your application please answer the following questions:

Do you hold a valid engineering practicing license in Tanzania? Is yes, in what specialty?

Are you registered as a consulting engineer with the engineering registration board in Tanzania?

Do you have any experience using the CANVAS business model from your prior work experiences?

Do you have any experience using USAID’s sanitation market system framework in prior work experiences

Dr.Galus Tarimo
Dr. Galus is a Medical Doctor who is licensed, registered, and allowed to practice medicine as a General Practitioner by the Medical Council of Tanganyika (in Tanzania). A master’s degree student enrolled at WU-California pursuing an MBA in Healthcare Administration. Dr. Galus has more than 4 years of experience in Blogging, Copywriting, and Search Engine Optimization (Google SEO) based on healthcare-related articles, financial market analysis, and educational content